Tell me about food.

Scott: Food is what you live on – without food you’d die.

Do we only eat to stay alive or because we like it?

Scott: Usually to stay alive.

Mainly to stay live, not because we enjoy it?

Scott: If we do enjoy it, we eat more of it. But the stuff we enjoy is sometimes some of the healthiest stuff. Sometimes, not always – it can be not the healthiest.

What would be the healthiest thing to eat?

Scott: Fruit and veg.

And unhealthiest?

Scott: Sweeties.

What do you like best?

Scott: Sweeties, that’s what I like best.

And the least?

Scott: That’s a hard one. Hmm. That’s a hard one. I don’t know. Just let’s see… Least, usually I like… maybe something in the fruit and veg. Maybe, I’m not sure. I’m not quite sure.

Brussels sprouts?

Scott: I’ve not tried them for a long time, but I do like them a wee bit.

What do they taste like?

Scott: Like leaves really.

Helen: Cabbage. Have you ever heard a Brussels sprout that could talk?

No, have you?

Helen: No.

What would your favourite meal in the world be?

Scott: A plate of Rainbow Drops.

That would be your dinner?

Scott: Yes, that would be the loveliest thing in the world.

A meal

A meal of peas, chips, a chicken drumstick and cucumber. Yum.