
Scott's drawing of his school, which is so big he had to draw it over two pages of paper.

What do you want to talk about?

Helen: Batman?


Helen: (laughs) Can we talk about Bathman? He’s like Batman but he can’t fly – he does nothing but sits in the bath all day.

Sounds great – what do you want to talk about Scott?

Scott: School?

Okay, what do you want to tell me about school?

Scott: Em… It can be boring at some points and it can be good at others. Sometimes there’s team points and sometimes there’s personal points.

So why do we go to school?

Helen: Because we need to.

Scott: Because we think about education – everything they’ve taught me, I know already. Apart from sums going up the way and along the way – but I just have to go blah blah blah blah…

So they can’t teach you anything?

Scott: Not much, because I know most of it already.

That’s because you’re clever, but there must be some things you don’t know.

Scott: Sometimes.

Tell me what you don’t know.

Scott: Em… I hardly know what I don’t know because I know so much.

Helen: He doesn’t know sums.

Scott: I do.

So what is the point of going to school?

Scott: I don’t know what I don’t know, so there may be things I don’t know.

What would you like to know more about?

Scott: Eh… eh…


Scott: Eh… I can’t really think of anything right now because…

Okay, what’s good about school?

Scott: Em… em… what was the question again?

What do you like about school?

Scott: I like golden time on Fridays.

What’s that?

Scott: You get to play on anything you want – and everything’s open. You can play on the computer and go into any site you want – I can even go on to Moshi Monsters.

What do you not like?

Scott: Having to do things I know already.

Is the food good?

Scott: Em… after break I usually get fruit and a bit of milk – so probably. I mean maybe. Sometimes the fruit changes.

And you’ve got friends at school – that’s good too.

Scott: I do have a lot of friends.

So school’s good then?

Scott: It’s pretty good.