
Scott: Can we talk about the Wii?

What about the Wii?

Scott: I think we could just talk about the Wii.

Okay – tell me about it.

Scott: Oh… So you put the wee disc in and then turn the… wait, you turn the power on after you’ve put in a disc, then turn on the TV, then pick up the black remote and press ‘TV’ twice, then that goes on to the Wii menu, then you choose something to do on the wee squares and then you choose something to do on the wee squares and, when you’ve found something to do, press start.

So what happens after you’ve pressed start?

Scott: Then you’re on whatever you’ve chosen and… And, so once it’s started, there’s some other stuff you need to press to get into the game. I think that might be me done once I’ve pressed a few buttons… Ah! I’ll talk about the controls now. Power – first top button on the large controller. Gear sticks – well, wee key buttons. Second top button – A. Third top button – big controller of course. Middle – Home and plus and minus are sort of the same and Home usually just takes you back to the Wii menu. Press one and two are sometimes important. B at the top of the largew. Nunchuck – gear stick. C – the back of the nunchuck and Z back of the nunchuck. Anything else? Connect the nunchuck to the Wii controllers if you have to.

So, what else apart from the controllers?

Scott: Anything else? Buttons on the Wii – I forgot to talk about that…

Scott, this is a wee bit boring.

Scott: I’m talking about all the buttons! Power button at the top, then the reset button and then this I think you put memory cards in. The big line is where you put the disc. Hidden up at the top, you pull that bit down and put some other memory cards in. Then at the back, you put some stuff in – I think that’s all. That’s all we say about it.

Very thorough.

Scott: A lot of detail, but…

It’s a bit boring.

Scott: Boring – good. What shall we do to make it more interesting?

What do you think?

Scott: Eh… maybe all the games I’ve got – that’s a good idea.

You’ve not really talked about why you like the Wii.

Scott: I like it because there’s some of my favourite games, and I’m very good with the controllers.

I know, but why do you like it?

Scott: Okay… I’ve sort of said already, haven’t I?

Not really.

Scott: I’ve talked about the controllers and really good games.

But you haven’t said why you like it.

Scott: That’s sort of why I like it.

You described the controllers and what it looks like.

Scott: I said I like it because I’m good with the controllers and there’s some good games.

Okay, how do you feel when you play it?

Scott: Very very happy. Sometimes I feel very focused – if anyone annoys me, I get annoyed.

Does it make you feel different?

Scott: No, not really – it just makes me feel… Really happy when playing it – I think I could play it for a whole day.