Following his previous two excursions into music reviews, Scott asked if he could “listen to some more music and talk about it”. After Tubular Bells and Screamadelica, we took a slightly different approach this time round: I asked Scott to randomly choose a CD from my collection. And the ‘lucky winners’ were American all-female alt-country ensemble Hazeldine and their acclaimed 2001 album Double Back. If Scott likes this, I’ll eat my Stetson…

Scott's Hazeldine

Scott's drawing of the album cover...


...and the real cover - spot the difference!

Why did you choose this?

Scott: I just thought the cover looked good and black and white.

What do you think it’ll sound like?

Scott: Maybe a little bit slow and…

Helen: Like a trumpet.

Scott: Don’t be silly.

Track one – When You Sleep

Scott: This is what I was expecting – pretty slow. Picking up a little bit of speed. Once talking – blah blah blah.

Helen: More like bells.

Scott: I’m still thinking it’s talking. I thought it sounded a little bit boring.

Track two – Valentine

Scott: Quite slow with also some talking. Still more slow talking. Next chapter!

Track three – Body and Soul

Scott: Come on now – come on now, do some talking…. A sort of cowboy sort of music.

Track four – Sunset Strip

Scott: Oh yes – talking all that etc etc.

Track five – Miss Ordinary

Scott: That’s slow music talking – the same.

Track six – Smaller

Helen: That sounds like a guitar. A guitar!

Track seven – Fletcher’s Bar

Scott: Okay, a little bit boring. Sounds like guitar.

Helen: Guitar!

Scott: But… But… There’s going to be talking. Yeah, really.

Track eight – Broken Glass

Scott: Well, a sort of cowboy talking. Next chapter!

Track nine – Double Back

Scott: Just the boring slow slow slow… boring… slow…

Track 10 – Twisted

Scott: BUT THEN BORING SLOW! But then boring slow talking – now some talking…

Track 11 – Say Goodbye

Scott: Oh come on! That’s cool! Give me some! Cool! That’s really cool, give me some of that.

Track 12 – My Lady

Scott: Boring slow music.

Track 13 – Rostock

Scott: The same boring music. Come on, that’s cool – give me some! There’s the talking in the background. Yes, it’s very very boring talking in the background – most boring talking in the background. Next next next next.

That was the last track.

Scott: Can we watch a DVD now?

What did you think of that?

Scott: Don’t add in that thing about the DVD, okay? It was good, but too much talking.

Marks out of 10?

Scott: Seven.

That seems quite high, you didn’t seem to like it.

Scott: I didn’t like it, I made it lose three points because of the talking. It usually two, but I made it lose three because it was especially slow.