
Catching crabs on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning in Joppa.

So what did we do this morning?

Scott: We went to the beach and catched some crabbers.

How many did we get?

Scott: A lot.


Scott: Roughly a lot.

How many, in numbers?

Scott: Roughly round about 30.

Big and small.

Scott: Yeah.

How big was the biggest one?

Scott: Big – yeah, big big big – at least five centimetres.

Were you scared?

Scott: A wee bit – I found a really big one. I like to hold the medium sized ones – when you hold them in the palm of your hand, they put their arms out so you know they don’t mean you any harm. I won’t be blogging for a while – this is the first one until when?

Today is Sunday, you’re back on Tuesday.

Scott: No, what is the date?

Today is July the third.

Scott: I’ll be back on the fifth.

Where are you going?

Scott: A wigwam!

Have fun, and I’ll see you in two days.