So, after four days, we finally locate wi-fi in Cumbria, allowing us to catch up on our holiday so far…

Day 1 – 22-7-2011

Day 1

Happy after another delicious lunch at the Rumblin' Tum in Moffat.

Scott: What are we talking about? Our day is it?


Scott: (shouting) We’re on our holidays! We’re in our holiday house!

So are you having fun?

Scott: Yes.

Helen: Yes.

What have we done today?

Helen: We sponged lemons.

No, what did we really do today?

Helen: Went to a farm.

Scott: Went to our holiday house.

Helen: No, we went to a farm.

Scott: We played outside on the trampoline. Helen, what was the highlight of your day?

Helen: We went to the farm.

Scott: No, what was your favourite thing?

Helen: Having dinner.

What was yours, Scott?

Scott: Bouncing on the trampoline.

Helen: Me too.

Scott: Copy cat.

Helen: Copy cat.

What we really did was drive to Moffat and have lunch at the Rumblin’ Tum and a wander round the shops, then drive to Brampton and dump our stuff at the house and then go into town for a wander and buy some things. Fun?

Scott: It took 300 years, Daddy.

Helen: It took 100 years.

Scott: It took infinity years.

Day 2 – 23-7-2011

Day 2

Burning off some energy after the brilliant fuggies at Shilloth.

What did we do today?

Scott: We’re on holiday for the first full day!

Helen: For two weekends.

What did we do today?

Helen: Our full days.

Scott: Helen made poses – ornamental. Whoever is reading this, I will never be listening because… Maybe we could do that! We could make a CD of the blog!


Scott: Then lots of people would buy it.

We went to great fuggies today.

Scott: Yes. If anyone doesn’t know what that is, we just mean it’s the amusements. I know I’m the strangest person in my class.

I think they were the the best fuggies ever.

Scott: And I got a gold bar.

Helen: I had it first.

Scott: I can’t believe Helen swapped it – they’re only £1.50,

Then we had fish and chips in the park.

Helen: It was warm.

Then we had ice cream.

Helen: Scott had sweeties.

Was it a fun day?

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: Helen, you should be eaten by a Tardigrade.

Day 3 – 24-7-2011

Day 3

Bew Castle. Destroyed by llamas apparently...

What a busy day: car boot sale, village fayre, lunch, castle and then fun day. What did you like best?

Scott: I liked the car boot sale because I got the Lego there.

Helen: I liked the lucky dip – it was lucky, wasn’t it?

What did you get in the lucky dips?

Scott: I got a bag of sweeties. Can I tell you what it usually is? Toy and sweeties. If you’re really lucky, a small bear. Black bags are rarer.

So what was the best bit of today?

Helen: Eh… The lambs.

What lambs?

Helen: You know – the lambs we saw in the field, silly.

Scott: Car boot sale.

Helen: Farm and Car boot sale. No, lucky dip.

Scott: What’s your 3000 favourite things in the world?

Helen: Spinning tops and spinning tops.

Scott: So you like spinning tops, that’s one. Give the numbers as you go along.

Helen: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18…

Scott: You missed 15.

Helen: No I didn’t.

Scott: I’ll tell you what you were like: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18…

Helen: No, I wasn’t.

Are you having a good holiday?

Scott: Yes.

Helen: Yes.

Oh, you also saw a magician today.

Scott: It wasn’t magic.

Helen: It was magic, but Scott said it wasn’t.

Why wasn’t it magic?

Scott: It doesn’t matter.

So it was magic?

Scott: Yes, it was. I don’t know how he did that thing when he made the Rubik’s Cube disappear…

Day 4 – 25-7-2011

Day 4

Scott enjoying one of the fantastic slides at Walby Farm Park.

Today we went to Walby Farm Park – fun?

Scott: (unsure) Yes.

You don’t sound very sure.

Scott: We were satisfied.

Helen: And Baddest was there.

Scott: Mr B Addest.

Tell the readers who Baddest is.

Scott: Baddest is the goat that ate Helen’s finger last year, and it’s still there.

Helen: That’s untrue.

Who is Baddest then, Helen?

Helen: Eh… It’s a part of soap.

Scott: It’s a goat that ate Helen’s finger.

Helen: It’s a tap.

What were today’s highlights?

Helen: Eh… perfect.

Scott: I’m thinking…

Helen: Slides.

Scott: I’m thinking…

The big slides?

Scott: I liked going down the big slides at the soft play.

What about the maize maze?

Scott: I got a pound.


Scott: Because I found a map and then I returned it unopened and I got a pound.

Then we all had ice creams. Fun day?

Scott: Fun day.