
Planet Earth, as seen from space.

Scott: Why don’t we talk about the solar system?


Scott: The solar system is, like… All the planets that we know of so far – Pluto, Venus, Mercury, Saturn etc. Mars.

Helen: Jupiter. 65 planets is enough.

Scott: We don’t have 65 – I think we’ve only got 10.

Helen: I think 65 is enough.

Scott: Did I say Mercury? If I’ve said it, don’t put it in.

Helen: Pluto.

The solar system isn’t all the planets we know, it’s just the planets near us – our local planets.

Scott: Like, it’s like a city and the planets are the people.


Scott: And Planet Earth has nits and that’s all the people walking around on it.

What’s your favourite planet?

Scott: Mars.


Scott: Well, once when I was in P1 or P2, one of my table groups was called Mars.

What’s your favourite planet, Helen?

Helen: Eh, Jupiter.

Scott: Why?

Helen: Just because… Jupiter.

Why do you like it?

Helen: That’s a very hard question.

What’s your least favourite planet, Scott?

Scott: Pluto.


Scott: No, I mean Neptune… I mean… Yeah, Neptune, because if I… Let me try and… Yeah… If you… Spend a year on Neptune you’d be at least 150 years older.

What’s your least favourite planet, Helen?

Helen: Saturn.

Scott: But Saturn’s rings are really beautiful, they’re made of ice and rock.

Helen: I just got it mixed up – Jupiter.

Scott: I’m guessing everyone who reads this is going to learn a lot of facts. (whispers to Helen) We learnt it from Mr Boom.

Do aliens exist?

Helen: No.

Scott: Sometimes. I heard an eye witness guide to space and it showed you a real-life picture of a big-eyed alien from space. Honestly. Real-life! It didn’t look remotely cartoony…