
One of Scott's favourite bits in the film - when Mr Popper was hit in the face with a snowball, fell over... and so did all his penguins.

So what film did we see this weekend?

Scott: Mr Popper’s Penguins.

How was it?

Scott: Em… Good. I liked the bit where he went: “Bleeeeemmmme Bleeeeeemmmeee…”

You mean the slow motion bit?

Scott: Yeah. But I hope you write: “Bleeeeeemmmeee Bleeemmmeeee” in…

I will. How do you spell it?

Scott: B-L-U-A-R-B-H. Every “bluarbh” is.

What was the film about?

Helen: Penguins. Really penguins.

Scott: Yeah, more or less all penguins I’d say.

And what happens in it?

Scott: What happened? Eh… I think it’ll take a few hours to explain it so best not say every little tiny detail. I might have forgotten and…

Helen, can you say…

Scott: Every single detail that happened.

Helen: No.

Scott: Impossible, isn’t it?

Helen: I can remember one.

Scott: What?

Helen: When he fell over and went: “Hhhawwwww!”

Was it a funny film?

Helen: Yes.

What was the funniest bit?

Scott: I don’t know. I beginning to think “bleuarbh bleuarbh bleuarbh” or, as Helen says, Cluedo.

Helen: Enter a world of Cluedo.

Scott: Why?

Helen: Everyone does.

Scott: I liked it when the guy kept trying to walk away and he kept bumping into the fountain in his office. And he was saying what he say and their names.

So you liked the film?

Scott: (long pause) How long was I holding my breath for there?