
Scott: Alright.

You’re doing a kind pf project about flags at school.

Scott: Only a competition and it’s about diversity – hello. And you thought it would be nice if we blogged about it, didn’t you?

What is a flag?

Scott: Something you hold up, sometimes to show what country you’re in.

And why is that important?

Scott: Because if there weren’t flags, there wouldn’t be any countries really.

What’s our flag?

Scott: Scotland’s.

And what does it look like?

Scott: Four blue triangles on each corner of the flag and that makes up a white cross.

Why does it look like that?

Scott: I don’t know, why does it?

Because St Andrew, Scotland’s patron saint, was crucified on a cross like that.

Scott: That doesn’t make any sense. Why isn’t it Iceland, except it’s on its side?

Because the cross was like an X.

Scott: Oh.

What’s your favourite flag?

Scott: I know what my least favourite is.


Scott: Botswana! I know you’re going to say: “Why?”


Scott: Because Sorya is from Botswana.

And why’s that bad?

Scott: She’s my worst enemy.


Scott: It’s a long story… In short, we squabble.