mini man

You wanted to talk about Mini Man…

Scott: Yes.

Who is Mini Man?

Scott: It’s not really a person – it’s just a game me and some of my friends invented.

What do you do?

Scott: Well, it’s… If anyone’s who’s reading my blog wants to play, it’s very easy. Someone puts their T-shirt over their legs, so look I… You sort of pull your legs up and put your T-shirt over your legs.

Then what do you do?

Scott: Then you sort of walk around – try to catch people and try to make them Mini Man. There’s another fun game from the Mini Man series called Mini Man Pull Down. I forgot what you do… That was the one where… So… Two or four players.


Scott: Anything in the two times table number of players. You split the amount of players – one half is Mini Man and the other half is people. The Mini Men try to pull the people down and then they’re Mini Men and the Mini Man who pulled them down goes big. Quite simple really.

Sounds fun – who’s best at it?

Scott: There’s a lot of people who are good at it – I don’t know who’s the best. Usually fast people are the best at running away or catching people.

Who invited the game?

Scott: Don’t know. Don’t know. I said that twice.

I might play it with you…

Scott: (laughs)

Why couldn’t I play it?

Scott: I just think you’re a bit too big…