calvin and hobbes

Scott: Calvin and Hobbes.

Did we not talk about that recently?

Scott: We talked about that once. Once. So we can talk about it? We talked about it like a year ago.

Okay, what do you want to tell me?

Scott: I hope you like the drawing that I do.

I’m sure I will.

Scott: And remember this readers, please comment if you do. And please tell all your friends to read this.

Who are Calvin and Hobbes?

Scott: A boy and his stuffed tiger.

And is the tiger alive?

Scott: Eh… In Calvin’s imagination.

And what do they do?

Scott: (pause) Eh… Lots of things. I guess some of the best ones will be in my drawing.

Hobbes is the tiger.

Scott: Yes, Hobbes – Hobbes is the tiger.

Is he good or bad?

Scott: Depends which episode you’re counting on.

He can be a bit naughty.

Scott: Yes, I said.

And Calvin is naughty most of the time, isn’t he?

Scott: Yeah.

What’s the naughtiest thing he’s ever done?

Scott: This is one really funny one from Weirdos From Another Planet, where Calvin… “I think I might have… What if I didn’t confess it? Maybe he didn’t notice and make me sweat with guilt. Oh, oh, I confess!” “Those were my brand new binoculars, Calvin!” That was a really funny one…