mk7 community

Instructions – and the code – for accessing Scott’s Mario Kart 7 community.

So what did you want to talk to me about?

Scott: Well, you know what I want to talk about.

Making a community on Mario Kart 7?

Scott: Yep. I made one and I wrote down how to get on to it. Please send in one if you’ve made one.

Explain what it is.

Scott: Well, I’ve written down how to get to it – but it’s sort of making up your own Mario Kart 7 racing team.

And anyone from anywhere in the world can play.

Scott: Yeah. Even like behind, as in all the way round the world and right behind you. Right to the other side of the world.

Will you win races against other people?

Scott: So not likely.

Why not?

Scott: Well, because that… (pause) I’m a bit rubbish.

You’re not.

Scott: Harvey is better than me.

So if you race against him, he’d win?

Scott: Yep. We raced in Rainbow Road and he was great. In the new Rainbow Road, not the SNES one… Although I quite like the SNES Rainbow Road. I like hopping across corner gaps which will give you a huge boost forward.

Do you think Harvey would beat me?

Scott: He can’t really.

Why not?

Scott: I’ve seen him race. You linked up with him when you were playing your own game and suddenly Harvey appeared as well.

That’s right – I think I beat him, didn’t I?

Scott: No, Harvey beat you once – he got gold.

Maybe we’re the same.

Scott: Yeah – equal first, that’s common.