garbage truck

So you got the Trash Packs garbage truck today.

Scott: Yeah.

How did you manage to afford it?

Scott: I didn’t – I needed to borrow a bit of money.

But you still had more than you should have had just from pocket money – how?

Scott: Because I’m saving up and I did quite a few things.

What chores did you do for me?

Scott: I went out – alone – to get you a newspaper.

Was it exciting?

Scott: Yes.

I was very proud of you going to the shop alone yourself twice.

Scott: Yeah.

So what did you buy today?

Scott: The garbage truck!

How is it?

Scott: Great.

What does it do?

Scott: Quite a lot of things. It can display your trashies…

Anything else?

Scott: Well, it’s also got a little thing that fires the trashies. And it’s got a thing in the back that holds the trashies. And the trashies can be drivers.

Did you show it to Luke today?

Scott: Yes.

What did he think?

Scott: He thought it was great!

team trash pack