
Not the Jubilee – a photo of one of Scott’s ants in his mini ant farm.


Scott: So? Oh yes!


Scott: I thought you were going to say what we’re going to blog about and I thought I knew what it was.

I thought we could talk about the Jubilee?

Scott: Aaargghh! That wasn’t what I was going to say.

What were you going to say?

Scott: How we finished that mini ant hill.

That might be more exciting than the Jubilee…

Scott: Yes – I know. I agree.

We could talk about the Jubilee first…

Scott: I meant to blog about the ant hill…

But what is the Jubilee?

Scott: I meant to blog about the ant hill. I might have said before that.

You really don’t want to talk about the Jubilee, do you?

Scott: No.


Scott: I’m glad you’re glad, but…

What about the mini ant hill, then?

Scott: Yeah – we just finished it, didn’t we? You need 15, but we only got eight.

Tell people what it is.

Scott: Ants!

A place for ants to live.

Scott: Yes – that’s another way to put it.

And you need to catch your own ants.

Scott: That’s what I just told you. They said it would come with a coupon for 10 to 20 ants…

How many did we catch?

Scott: Eight I said. You might have heard if you had been listening…

Do you think that’ll be enough?

Scott: It’ll have to do…