So you wanted to talk about…

Scott: Yeah.

VVVVVV again.

Scott: Yeah. Yes. Em…

You finally bought the actual game.

Scott: Yes, finally – now I don’t have to ask you to play it on the computer.

How is it?

Scott: Awesome!

It’s old school, isn’t it?

Scott: Low-fi, in other words. £7.20 download. If you’ve got a more modern 3DS, you probably won’t find it. But here’s how to do it if you want to get it. Check “sort slash filter” and then do creator and then go to price and do zero to eight and then you’ll find it next to some other cheap things. Well, expensive really…

And what do you need to do?

Scott: Em… Pixelated human in zero-gravity flip shock – that’s one way to describe the whole thing. My favourite room is what I just told you. If there’s bridges that make you go a different way like you’re bouncing along it, like it zig zags. Soul finding – that’s a course, sometimes you’ll just go totally still.

How much of the game have you completed?

Scott: Doesn’t save.

Not at all?

Scott: Yes.

So you have to complete it all in one go?

Scott: Yeah, but it still won’t save. It’ll say “game saved”, but it doesn’t.

It copies old ZX Spectrum games.

Scott: How?

The way it looks, it’s like Manic Miner or Jet Set Willy.

Scott: What’s Jet Set Willy like?

The follow-up to Manic Miner, it’s a platform game.

Scott: What’s it like?

It’s a man searching for things in a house.

Scott: What are you supposed to find?

I can’t remember, money I think.

Scott: Is it like Luigi’s Mansion?

Sort of, but with worse graphics.

Scott: Honestly…