Due to a lack of wi-fi, we’re having to blog in chunks when we do manage to find a connection…


Scott: What are we going to talk about?

Well, we’re on holiday…

Scott: Yeah.

How’s your first day been?

Scott: It’s not my first day.

What is it?

Scott: Eh… Hang on, counting…Seven… Five… Three… 21st day.

I don’t understand.

Scott: You don’t understand if you put all the time we’ve been here together that’s three… a total of 21…

21 what?

Scott: 21 days here – duh.

In total?

Scott: Yeah – duh.

More than that actually, I think.

Scott: Oh… 14 and eight… How many weeks have we been here forever? Ever?

I can’t remember – this is the fifth time, I think.

Scott: Fifth week… So 21 times seven… I mean, hang on – seven times three is 21?

Yes it is.

Scott: And then… Add on 14… 21… Add on 14… Is it… (pause) 35?

Yes, it is. Are you having a good holiday so far?

Scott: Yeah, but I just can’t do anything right today. But you’ve got us a ticket each for the night of a 1000 millionaires. What happens when you win the Lottery? Do you go on the TV or something? 100 UK millionaires in one day…

You might find out tomorrow…

Scott: Eh… We won’t.

Helen: Imagine a Mummy bought a Lottery ticket for a baby and the next day the baby won.

Scott: That’s not funny.

Helen: Ga ga goo goo.

Scott: And the baby bought a big bag of rubbish with the money…

Helen: And he did a big smelly poo! Silly baby!



So many exciting things happened today, Scott forgot he also did a bungee trampoline…

Our first full day – how was it?

Scott: Good.

What did we do?

Scott: We… Eh… (huge pause) Yeah?

What did we do?

Scott: Oh! We went top Cream O Galloway… Eh…

How was it?

Scott: Good.

What did you do?

Scott: Em… Had an ice cream.

Anything else?

Scott: Eh… Played in the hard play and that’s probably all. Apart from Helen getting a ginormous nosebleed.

We also went shopping in Castle Douglas.

Scott: Yeah.

Did you get anything?

Scott: A really big bag of Lego Bionicle for £3, with all the instructions booklets.

Was that the best bit of today?

Scott: Yeah.

Did you have anything nice to eat?

Scott: Eh… What did we have again? Oh yeah – I liked my pie.

What kind was it?

Scott: Eh… I don’t know, I forgot.

You seem really tired…

Scott: (inaudible)

I think you should head to bed…

Scott: Hey – I thought you said you would build some Bionicle figures? You told a lie! True. Build me some Bionicle figures. Let’s just finish, this blog is humiliating enough…


So, this morning we watched some Olympics…

Scott: Yeah.

Then we went to Caerlaverock Castle…

Scott: Yeah.

Where we had a picnic…

Scott: Yeah.

And what did we do?

Scott: I got a crossbow – or a bow and arrow, or whatever you call it.

You did something with other children.

Scott: Child-ren.

That’s what I said.

Scott: I know. How? What? When?

What did you do?

Scott: What did I do?

You had that big fight?

Scott: Oh yeah! That was awesome!

You fought a girl.

Scott: Yeah – and even a photo of it, if you please.

Then we went to Cream O Galloway again.

Scott: Yeah.

What kind of ice cream did you have today?

Scott: Chocolate.

Was it good?

Scott: Yeah.

Then you played with Cameron next door.

Scott: Yeah.

How was that?

Scott: Great.

Are you going to try and see him tomorrow?

Scott: I’d like to get a portable DVD played like he does.

What would you do with it?

Scott: Watch movies on it – duh. I mean, seriously – duh.


What did we do today?

Scott: Eh… We just had another day on Planet Earth.

Helen: You mean on the Douglas Day?

Scott: Oh, you’re such a pain Helen.

What was the best bit of today?

Scott: Eh… Probably walking to the island.

Helen: Probably finding all those creatures.

What creatures?

Helen: The ones that we could on our own, all those ones.

When we went pond dipping?

Helen: Yeah.

What did we catch?

Helen: Green eary-wigs.

Then we came home for lunch, then we went to Cream O Galloway for their special Gala Day.

Helen: Yeah.

And what did we do there?

Scott: We went pond dipping again.

Helen: And got ice cream.

Scott: Yeah, yeah – I went on the death cannon and three times I went on the flying fox.

How was the flying fox?

Scott: Awesome.

How was the death slide?

Scott: Really good.

Even though you thought it was scary?

Scott: I really liked it, now I look back at it. I went “wooooo” for about one second, then I was at the bottom. I mean, it literally seemed like one second – I nearly peed in my pants.

Then we went to Carrick beach and walked across to the island.

Scott: Yeah – I thought I said that, didn’t I?

So you liked it, even though you didn’t want to do it?

Scott: Em… Yeah.


How was today?

Scott: Okay. It was good…

What was the best bit?

Scott: Em… I’m not sure there was a best bit, it was all great.

So, we went to Kirkcudbright…

Scott: Yeah.

We went to the Castle…

Scott: Did we?

Then we…

Scott: Yeah.

Then we went to the Stewartry Museum…

Scott: Have you put that sticker on your computer yet? Yes, we did go to the museum.

Then we went and had fish and chips.

Scott: Yeah.

How was that?

Scott: Em… Good.

Then we went to the wildlife park.

Scott: Yeah.

What did we do there?

Scott: Saw some animals.

Did you touch any?

Scott: Yeah. I touch a few guinea pigs and held a snake round my neck.

Were you scared?

Scott: Nope.

Did it not try to strangle you?

Scott: Well, I’m alive right now… (under breath) That’s a pretty dumb question…

We played Dictionary – and you and Mummy beat me and Helen.

Scott: Yeah – ha ha ha…