

So, our first day at our new place in Guernmore, Lancashire…

Scott: Yes.

How is it?

Scott: Good… I mean great!


Scott: I’ve got my own room.

How does that feel?

Scott: Great.

What’s the house like?

Scott: Even better. Awesome. Helen’s got her own room. It’s all great.

What’s the best bit?

Scott: I think it may be having my own room.

We left Castle Douglas this morning and drove down here.

Scott: Yeah.

And we stopped off at Hawkshead Brewery for lunch.

Scott: Yeah.

What was that like?

Scott:  Soooooooooooooo – are you writing all those ‘o’s down? – goooooooood.

What did you have to eat?

Scott: I had battered fish.

And some chips.

Scott: Yeah.

Did you like the brewery?

Scott: You know I’m not allowed to have beer when I’m eight.

What did it smell like?

Scott: Hops. Hops. Hops.

Are we going to have a good week here?

Scott: Yeeeeaahhh!


So today was our first full day here…

Scott: Was it? Yeah.

What did we do?

Scott: We went to a castle, I got my Nintendo magazine and… We went to a jigsaw festival it was called, wasn’t it?

Yeah – it was odd, wasn’t it.

Scott: I don’t understand.

Neither do I. We also spent a lot of time in Clitheroe, at the food festival.

Scott: Oh yeah – that was good.

What did you have to eat?

Scott: Eh… Pig roll, wasn’t it?

And some nibbles.

Scott: Nibble, nibble, nibble…

What did you have to eat at the stalls? What was the best?

Scott: I’ll tell you what the worst thing was, but I’m not sure what the best was. It was that super duper spicy oatcake.

The chilli sauce?

Scott: Yeah, it was so spicy – I hated that.

We’ll try and have fish and chips tomorrow.

Scott: Why can’t  we go swimming tomorrow?

We might – would you like to do that?

Scott: Yeah.

Then have fish and chips?

Scott: Yeah.

Do you not want to?

Scott: I do. I do want to go swimming and then have fish and chips.

We’ll try and do that then.

Scott: Okay.