school shopping

What do you want to talk about?

Scott: What did you say? Eh… We went school shopping today…

Was school shopping the most exciting thing today?

Scott: Probably.

What did you do?

Scott: Eh… Got some school stuff. Duh.

I saw your new lunchbox – what else did you get?

Scott: Em… A backpack and a water bottle.

And clothes?

Scott: Yeah. And new shoes.

What did Helen get?

Scott: Clothes and a bag and stuff like that as well.

You start school again on Wednesday.

Scott: Wednesday? Yeah.

Are you excited?

Scott: Yeah.

What are you looking forward to the most?

Scott: Seeing all my friends again.

What are you looking forward to least?

Scott: Hmm… I don’t know.

Good answer. Will it be good having Helen at school with you?

Scott: No.

Why not?

Scott: Only joking. I really don’t know if it’ll make a difference.

Will you be kind to her and look after her?

Scott: Eh… Okay…

You don’t sound very sure.

Scott: Yeah.

So you will?

Scott: I’ll try.