

Scott: Any suggestions?

Helen: Ducks?

Scott: Hm…


Scott: What else? Do you have any suggestions?

Helen: What’s your day been like?

Scott: No, I completely disagree with that.

Helen: Then what would you like to talk about?

Scott: Then what would you like to talk about?

Helen: Humpback whales?

Scott: We talked about that last night!

Helen: We talked about dolphins.

Scott: They’re the same thing, so who cares? Do you have any suggestions?

Eh… Being born?

Scott: Are you nuts? Any other suggestions?


Scott: Does it all have to be about life? Any other suggestions?

Eh… Babies?

Scott: That would be basically talking about being born.


Scott: Hmm… Anything else?


Scott: Em… Quite… Kind of… We’d sort of call drinking a food. Any other ideas?

Eh… Bananas?

Scott: Eh… We’d include that in food as well. What else? He’s finishing off one subject and then he sticks on another subject…


Scott: Em… What else?

The ozone layer.

Scott: Em… Good idea, but I don’t know how to draw that. What else do you have?

Star Wars?

Scott: Eh… Too many things to draw for Star Wars. What else? This could go on for a long, long, long time…


Scott: I don’t really know what to say for football. Anything else?


Scott: That seems sort of strange. Do you have anything else? We might come back to it.

Blogging? This is your 400th blog.

Scott: How about we blog about blogging for my 400th blog? This is going to be very long today…

What’s the best thing we’ve talked about?

Scott: Well, that’s a hard question – everything’s great. But I quite like being back into Doctor Who toys.

What’s the worst thing we’ve talked about?

Scott: There probably wasn’t a worst thing – everything we’ve blogged was great.

How long are we going to do the blog for?

Scott: I wonder if we could get to 500? That would be really good. That would be like loads of pages, don’t you think?