
Delight – and relief – after reaching the top of Hopetoun Monument, near Haddington in East Lothian.

What did we do today?

Scott: Eh… Went to a fruit farm and climbed up a very, very, very, very, very, very tall hill.

Helen: Hill?

Scott: Hill. Stop copying me.

What was at the top of the hill?

Scott: Eh… A big tower and it was very, very, very, very, very…

Helen: Very, very, very, very, very…

Okay, I get the idea…

Scott: High up. So to say, infinite very high up.

Helen: Yeah – but infinity is not a number so probably 100.

Scott: More than that.

Was the tower scary?

Scott: I got scared when it was high up and really dark.

Helen: I agree.

How was the farm?

Scott: Oh, it was great.

What was the best bit?

Scott: Probably the stuff when you got to do things with hay.

What kind of things?

Scott: Do fun things, but why do they leave a five centimetre gap for you to crawl? They expect children to be very small to fit through that…

What did you have to eat?

Scott: I had a scone with jam and cream.

Helen: Juice.

Scott: Yeah, she didn’t eat anything at all – anything.

Did you not have anything, Helen?

Scott: Oh yeah, and I had an apple – and you had one too.

Helen: I ate too much – I had tummy ache.