helen worm

Helen’s worm…

Scott: Any suggestions?


Scott: (long pause) What about blogging about earthworms?

Okay – why did you think about that?

Scott: I don’t know – it just came to me.

What are they?

Helen: They’re worms that live underground.

Scott: No, Helen – all worms live underground. They’re worms that eat soil and that helps the crops grow. As in: lumpy soil won’t be very good, but they make it crumbly so the crops grow easier. Worm’s holes will flood when it rains.

So are they good not bad?

Scott: Yes. The birds are probably the best enemy of a worm.

And who are their best friends?

Helen: Worm?

Scott: Yeah – you’re kind of right, Helen, but… It eats dead plants as well as the soil.

How big are they?

Scott: About the size of a normal worm.

Helen: Yeah, at least that size.

What size is the biggest worm in the world?

Scott: I don’t know – very big.

Helen: Gigantic, like the one I saw.

Scott: I saw one once that must have been 20 centimetres.

Helen: Is that the one I saw in the front garden?

Scott: No, it must have been bigger than that.

Helen: Earthworms are skin colour worms that have red stripes on them.

Scott: Don’t be crazy – I told you the difference between a worm and an earthworm.

Helen: No you didn’t.

Scott: I said earthworms eat soil and it goes through their bodies to make it better.

Would you ever eat a worm?

Together: Eeeuuughhh!

Scott: No way!

Helen: Yeah, no way.

Why not?

Scott: Why would anyone eat a worm?

Helen: No.

Scott: It’s basically a sausage and everyone would eat a sausage.

scott worm

…And Scott’s.