ub funkeys

So, you’ve done a great drawing of UB Funkeys – anything you want to tell me about them?

Scott: I drew… I wrote how to install them and if anyone reading my blog wants UB Funkeys, you might see them on ebay. That’s definitely spelled F.U.N.K.E.Y.S.

Anything else you want to say?

Scott: Eh… How about you ask me proper questions?

What are UB Funkeys?

Scott: Eh… Little figures that look funny and never like proper humaoid that you can put on top of a big one and play a game.

You got them at the jumble sale last week.

Scott: Yeah – they might have had the disc if we cared to look.

You might get more for your Christmas.

Scott: Yeah – I might get the disc for my Christmas.

So we don’t know what they do yet?

Scott: Yeah – that’s right.

Might be rubbish, might be good…

Scott: You never know…

But we’ll hopefully find out soon.

Scott: Yep – very soon.