monsters scott

Scott’s monsters…

What are we blogging about tonight?

Scott: Eh… Have you got any suggestions?

Not really – what do you want to talk about?

Scott: Eh…

Helen, have you got any suggestions?

Helen: Robots.

Scott: I was going to say: don’t you choose an animal or a machine.

Helen: A robot animal.

Scott: I just said…

Helen: Robo-animal. Robo-dog. Robo-starfish…

Scott: Does everything have to be robotic? Is anything not robotic?

Helen: Yes – bodies, eyes…

Scott: Monsters. I said monsters.

What, you want to blog about monsters?

Scott: Yes.

Okay, what is a monster?

Scott: Depends on what your definition of a monster is.

What’s your definition?

Scott: Eh… I mean there are lots of different kinds of monster. Monsters could be green funny things or purple furry things or… Depends on what your definition of monster is. Blue watery ones, pink ones that look like parents…

Are monsters good or bad?

Scott: Hmm… Again, it depends on your definition of monsters.

Are monsters real?

Helen: No.

Scott: Again, depends on your definition of what monsters are – under some conditions, a parent is a monster.

Okay – we’ll leave it there…

Scott: Okay – give me a proper question and I’ll give you a proper answer.

Helen: Like robotic…

monster helen

…And Helen’s monster – which she says is actually an alien.