
Helen’s drawing of Fun, the brilliant soap / modelling clay from Lush.

What’s soap made of?

Scott: Why do you ask?

Because you like playing with it.

Scott: Yeah – we do.

You love making a mess in the bath.

Scott: At least we don’t make messes in bath.

Helen: Most other people do – but we love making potions in the bath. I’m making a new pinky purpley colour… Pinky red, I mean.

What do your potions do?

Scott: We haven’t done any yet.

Helen: I clean with them – but I haven’t done them yet. I know how to mix it up to make a really cool potion.

So what do you think soap’s made of?

Scott: Not sure.

Helen: Conditioner?

Scott: Then, what’s conditioner made of?

What’s your favourite kind of soap?

Scott: Fun!

Helen: Fun – yes, that’s my favourite. Actually, it is.

What would happen if soap didn’t exist?

Scott: Dirty and no fun.

Helen: Yeah – dirty and less fun.

Scott: Soap would have to exist.

How would we clean without soap?

Scott: Use conditioner and shower wash!

That makes no sense.

Scott: What? It makes lots of sense.

Helen: To us…

Scott: You’d use conditioner on your hair and shower with your body.

Helen: That makes perfect sense to us.