lego batman

I thought we could talk about Egyptians.

Scott: Why?

I thought you were learning about them at school.

Scott: Not yet.

So you don’t know anything about them yet?

Scott: Not yet… Well, we have our own general knowledge of Egpyt – but, apart from that, nothing.

So maybe not a good thing to talk about?

Scott: Maybe – maybe not.

Helen: Why ask?

Do you want to talk about something else then?

Scott: Em… Maybe – what else do you suggest?

Don’t know – any suggestions?

Scott: Em… I want to do a Lego photo tonight.

Of what?

Scott: Lego Batman – very certain minifigures in a very funny scene.

What would we talk about then?

Scott: Would it be okay if we did that, though?

Sure – but what would we talk about?

Scott: I mean today…

Okay – what do you want to tell me, though?

Scott: Em… Well, you’ll have to ask me questions rather than just: “What do you want me to tell you?”

What’s the picture going to be of?

Scott: I told you – the Lego Batman. I’m not very precise at the moment… But you’ll see, you’ll like it.

Okay, we can just let the picture speak for itself.

Scott: Yes, just… How about you ask me a proper question now?

I’m not sure what to ask until I see the picture.

Scott: Well, let’s add a bit to this once you’ve seen the picture.

We can just use the picture?

Scott: Em… Okay.