mouthwash scott

So what we blogging about?

Helen: Monkeys.

Scott: Why do you always want to talk about monkeys? Seriously.

Helen: Because they live in trees and like bananas.

Scott: So all of them like eating bananas?

Helen: Do you like eating bananas?

Scott: No.

Helen: Have you tried them?

Scott: I’ve tried them a lot.

Helen: No you haven’t.

Do you like bananas, Helen?

Helen: Yeah.

But you never eat them!

Helen: It’s just I don’t eat them very much at home, but I eat them at school.

Scott: Let’s blog about mouthwash.

Helen: That’s boring – it’s just a bit of toothpaste. It’s just a bit of water with different colour. Bananas are more interesting.

Scott: It’s my blog,


Scott: Yeah.

Is it exciting?

Scott: No.

Why do you want to talk about it, then?

Scott: Because I said what I saw. I think I can do quite a good drawing of it.

Helen: I can draw it.

Scott: I’ll draw it.

Helen: We can both draw it.

Is mouthwash good for you?

Scott: Eh… Under certain conditions, it’s not.

Like what?

Scott: Well, let’s just say… I’m not saying this applies all the time, but when you have the mouthwash, it’s less flouride than toothpaste – right?

I think so – but it goes right round your mouth and in between your teeth.

Scott: But… This doesn’t apply for all mouthwash, but doesn’t that wash away the toothpaste?

I think it works with the toothpaste – they’re both good for your teeth. Does that make sense?

Scott: If only I knew what you meant…

mouthwash helen