
Tell me what you did today.

Scott: Em… After school, eh… Went to a Fairtrade thingy with the rest of the Fairtrade Group and at the award announcement we won the Lord Provost’s award – the best Fairtrade award a school can achieve.

That’s amazing – what did you need to do?

Scott: Just do a lot of Fairtrade activities.

And you were the best Fairtrade school in Edinburgh?

Scott: Yep.

Did you get an award?

Scott: A special certificate, officially signed.

And you got to shake the Lord Provost’s hand?

Scott: Yes.

Was he wearing his chains?

Scott: A big golden one.

And was he nice?

Scott: Yeah.

Sounds like a great day – you should be proud.

Scott: Yeah.

You should be. What happens with the Fairtrade Group now?

Scott: We were awesome! That’s all. We just became awesome, which is awesome. That’s all I’m going to say for now…