scott school

Scott’s drawing of school work…

What’s on your mind tonight?

Helen: Mind? What’s a mind?

What are you thinking about?

Helen: Computers?

Scott: Don’t be silly.

Helen: I am – because computers are on Wednesdays.

Computers are on Wednesdays?

Helen: Yeah – I’m thinking about it. If we’re going to do games or a job.

Scott: I’m thinking about the Mario Brothers cross-over we blogged about a year ago.

Helen: I’m thinking about reading books.

So you’re both sort of thinking about school, then?

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: Kind of.

Do you like school?

Scott: No.

Helen: We hate school.

Scott: You love it – because you’re all baby-ish.

Helen: I know – I love school.

What’s the best thing about school?

Helen: Computers. What’s the least, Scott?

Scott: One word – Wednesday.

Helen: What do you hate about Wednesdays?

Scott: It’s very obvious Helen, you should know.

Helen: Just for the blog…

Scott: Helen…

Anything else you want to tell me about school?

Scott: Eh…

Helen: Eh… I made Easter Bunnies today.

Scott: Our project is Ancient Egypt.

Is that still your project?

Scott: Yeah.

What’s the newest thing you’ve learned about it?

Scott: That weapons were most commonly acquired by means of trading.

helen school

…And Helen’s drawing of Daddy, Scott and Helen at school.

Helen: I’m thinking about getting washed right now.