
Do you know what telepathy is?

Scott: I think so – reading minds.

That’s right. Is it possible?

Scott: I don’t know. I’ve seen one about recording dreams – you get a machine that shows what you’re thinking.

Have you ever read someone’s mind?

Scott: I don’t know – I said exactly what you were thinking once, remember? About houses.

Oh yeah – have you read Helen’s mind?

Scott: Not exactly.

Okay – I’ll think of something and you try and guess.

Scott: Okay – tell me when you’ve started thinking about it.

Right. I’m thinking – I’ll send it to your brain.

Scott: Banana?


Scott: But that was exactly what come into my mind – big letters. Is it a food, so I know not to go into that section again?

No, it’s not a food. I’m thinking again…

Scott: This time the word bucket comes into my head.


Scott: Because that’s what I did last time…

Do you give up?

Scott: Yep.

I was thinking of a skull.

Scott: Darn it.

Do you want to try it?

Scott: Give me a second… Okay, I’m thinking about it.

Has it got wheels?

Scott: No.

Is it a house?

Scott: No.

A hot dog?

Scott: No. Next time you try, it doesn’t begin with an ‘h’.

A ball.

Scott: Em… It’s usually a ball shape, but no.

I give up.

Scott: Coconut.

I don’t think we’re good at reading minds.

Scott: No.

I knew you were going to say that.

Scott: Say what?

That we can’t read minds.

Scott: very funny.