doctor who stamps

So you got your first Doctor Who stamps today.

Scott: Yeah – quite a lot actually.

With three first day covers still to come.

Scott: Really, three? What are you talking about? Three? There should only really be two.

There’s one with some of the Doctors, one with the others, and a special one.

Scott: What’s the special one, baddies?

I can’t remember – a special one.

Scott: Just generally special?

Yeah. They’re great, aren’t they?

Scott: Yeah. I got one pack with the actual stamps – Doctors one to 12, Daleks, Ood, Weeping Angles, Cyberman and the Tardis.

I think they’ll be very collectable.

Scott: Probably, and it’ll be the newest first day cover. Ask me a question.

What else will I say?

Scott: I don’t know.

You don’t want to use them as stamps.

Scott: No.

And keep them in their folders.

Scott: Yeah.

They’re for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.

Scott: I don’t remember there being any big special anniversary last year or the year before.

That’s because they were years 48 and 49.

Scott: Ah… Okay.

There’s a 50th anniversary special planned for later this year.

Scott: Was there special stuff for the 10, 20, 30 and 40? You might have been there for the 40 and the 30 – maybe even more.

The five Doctors episode was for the 25th anniversary – the one we’ve watched on DVD a few times.

Scott: Why don’t we watch it?

We can tomorrow.

Scott: Ah – okay.