plants v zombies

I thought we could talk about Plants v Zombies…

Scott: Okay. Yay!

Because we downloaded it today.

Scott: Yeah.

How is it?

Scott: Good – just I’m not very good.

You only got it today.

Scott: Yeah – but I’m not that good, I keep failing level 1.9.

Tell me what you have to do.

Scott: Well, I don’t know how to put it. The drawing might be a good way to show it.

You control plants and you need to defeat zombies.

Scott: Yeah, basically.

And you have strange plant weapons.

Scott: Yeah. The first time a zombie gets past your ammunition stuff, it’s very funny. It’s like… Like there’s a lawnmower and it goes “ziiiip” and runs them over.

And some of the zombies have special powers.

Scott: Yes, some of them – like the one with the lawnmower.

I’ve not seen that one.

Scott: Neither have I, but I know it’s a real one. Technically, I’ve seen it on Harvey’s one.

So how do you win?

Scott: Basically by defeating all the zombies.

As simple as that?

Scott: Eh… A lot easier said than done!

Why do the zombies hate the plants?

Scott: I don’t know. They’re trying to invade your house and you have to plant plants to get rid of them – if you know what I mean.