5-8-2013 burgerSo, stem cell burgers…

Scott: Yeah.

What do you think?

Scott: It sounds like it needs ketchup – and lots of things,

Would you eat it?

Scott: If it had ketchup and all the other things I thought it needed.

Do you think it’s good for the environment?

Scott: Well, yeah – the guy said it was.

Why would it be better than farming?

Scott: Well, let’s just say… For one, growing the cows and farming them pollutes the environment but this takes less because it doesn’t take any farming.

Exactly. Do you think it will be popular?

Scott: I don’t know. In really, really future – in far in the future, maybe.

You and your children might be eating it.

Scott: Or maybe my children and their children’s children. Or maybe my children’s children’s children.

I don’t think it’ll take that long…

Scott: I know, but you get the idea…

Helen, would you ever eat meat that was made by a scientist?

Helen: No.