24-10-2013 CDsWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: Hmm…


Scott: I’m thinking…

Any ideas, Helen?

Helen: No. I’m folding up my thingy…

Scott: How about CDs, no?

Helen: I’m not happy to talk about CDs.

Scott: You don’t have to, then.


Scott: See what?


Scott: See these? See what?

Do you want to talk about CDs?

Scott: Yes – I thought you said “See these.”

Okay – tell me about them.

Scott: Hmm… Just imagine… Imagine back in the days when records had one song and that qualified as pretty good? Now they’d be amazed at CDs which are something that can hold even more.

Helen: They had your favourite songs on them.

What about iPods, then?

Scott: They’re even better.

How many can they hold?

Scott: I thought it was something like 600 when there’s nothing else.

And how many songs can a CD hold?

Scott: Probably… I don’t know… 50 for an average one.

Do you think they’ll still be making CDs when you’re older?

Scott: I don’t know – maybe. Maybe they’ll have something even smaller, like the size of a 3DS cartridge now which can hold 700 songs – that’s what I’d want. I’d guess you can get that already with SD cards, but…

And it’s kind of like an iPod Nano – they’re small but can hold lots of songs.

Scott: Yeah…

Anything you want to say, Helen?

Helen: No. I just said that you have your favourite songs on them.