Do you want me to post your video?

Scott: First of all, I’d like to say that I don’t think it’s that good a video. So I apologise in advance… If you don’t like it.

What’s it a video of?

Scott: A Minecraft Hunger Games arena I made.

Can people play it?

Scott: Em… Not really, but I’m working on an actual Minecraft one which we can record a tour of.

So people can’t play your seed?

Scott: What do you mean? Listen, I’m saying I’ve got this seed with some good Hunger Games… Not really a seed, but a server… Anyone who’s near me can do a multi-player with me on it. I think it’s a single use, though…

Is there any sound on your video?

Scott: I… I did talk a bit… But the sounds might not work, so I don’t know…

I haven’t seen your video, so…

Scott: Yeah…

How long is it?

Scott: About 40 seconds.

And can you see Steve in it?

Scott: No, it’s not an actual video – it’s made of Lego.

I see – it’s a video of some Lego Minecraft you made?

Scott: Yeah, I wanted to make an animation but it’s just a ton of things I made.

That makes a lot more sense now.

Scott: If you’ve got Minecraft Seeds Pro or Lite, subscribe to daveandspeth or theoneups to see it…