18-1-2014 minecraftWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: (pause) Em… Remember how you tried to play Minecraft?

Yeah, I was rubbish.

Scott: We could blog about that.

What will the drawing be?

Scott: I’ve got a good idea for a drawing.


Scott: You’ll see.

A surprise.

Scott: Yeah.

How do you think I got on?

Scott: Well, like there’s… Depends… Like… You were good for helping out with little things – you did get some wheat. Maybe for surviving, you did okay. Helen did worse because she died every five minutes.

I just felt very old, like I didn’t know I was doing…

Scott: Em… Way better than Helen done.

And I beat you at the game we played earlier.

Scott: Yeah.

What was that called?

Scott: Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.

I liked that.

Scott: I hated the sky levels.

I thought that was a bit difficult.

Scott: You found them easy!

It was harder than…

Scott: And I was glitched – when I was supposed to be in a boat, I was in a plan.

It was harder to fly than drive.

Scott: Yeah – that’s something I can admit.

Minecraft is still your favourite game?

Scott: Yeah.

And you might get a new Minecraft figure for being in the good book at school.

Scott: Yeah – we can probably blog about that tomorrow if we get it.