5-4-2014 rddSo I bought Red Dead Redemption this week…

Scott: And I finally got to play it.

How is it?

Scott: Amazing.

What’s the best thing about it?

Scott: I’ve got… I, like… I’ve got…

You’ve got?

Scott: That you’ve got both editions so I can alternate between both.

What’s your favourite one?

Scott: Em… I haven’t really got a favourite at the moment because I haven’t played much of either of them.

You’re good…

Scott: At the moment, it’s probably the zombie edition because you get to shoot more.

You are good at the shooting.

Scott: Yeah.

I’m better at the horse riding, though.

Scott: Yeah.

It’s an 18.

Scott: No, it’s not a PEGI – it’s a film rating 18, for some reason.


Scott: Look on the box, seriously.

So you’re a bit young to be playing it.

Scott: But… No-one reads age ratings nowadays.

Why are they there, then?

Scott: For people who think they’re being sad reading age rating and so shops can discipline people on what they can and can’t play. And so they can make funny little logos on the bottom of the box.

It is quite violent.

Scott: Yeah – but I’m not scared of that or anything.

Not scared of zombies?

Scott: Nope. You should have seen the one I was battling earlier.

Are you scared of zombies, Helen?

Helen: Sort of.


Helen: I just sort of am.

Have you ever met one?

Helen: No, but I am kind of scared.