1-5-2014 animalsWhat are you going to do me a drawing of?

Scott: Good question.

That’s your new catchphrase!

Scott: Maybe it’s the truth, though.

That I always ask good questions?

Scott: How about we talk about… (pause) Animals.


Scott: Yep. Random – just said it randomly.

And what animal are you going to draw?

Scott: I don’t know.

You could make up an animal.

Scott: Nah – I’m going to draw a funny thing.

So what do you want to tell me?

Scott: Em… I don’t know – I just thought it would be a good thing to blog about.

How would you describe an animal?

Scott: Em… Like, em… A kind of living being.

Like you?

Scott: Maybe.

Like Helen?

Scott: Probably.

Like Grandpa?

Scott: (laughs) The bargain being? Nope.

How many animals are there?

Scott: Lots.

More than eight?

Scott: (laughs) Yeah.

What’s the strangest animal?

Scott: A pig. Not. I can’t really think of one, actually.

What’s the most common animal?

Scott: Probably some sort of bug.

What’s the most annoying animal?

Scott: Baddest.

The sheep Helen met?

Scott: That was funny.

What’s the scariest animal?

Scott: Em… Well thing is, sharks are scary but they don’t actually always bite you.

What’s the friendliest animal?

Scott: Probably some sort of little gerbil or, like, pet rats.

What’s your favourite animal?

Scott: Don’t know…