2-6-2014 bloodWhat do you want to tell me?

Scott: Hmm… I don’t even know what we’re blogging about.

It’s up to you.

Scott: I’m so excited about is getting the loft converted – I mean really, really, really happy.

Well, it’s going to take a while.

Scott: It’s going to take a while, but it’ll be so worth it.

What would you like to blog about tonight?

Scott: Hmm… Eh… Hmm…

Anything exciting happen today?

Scott: Not really, I mean… The most exciting thing that happened today – that wasn’t that exciting – was that I got a bleeding lip. Hmm… How about we blog about bloo9d?

Okay… What is blood?

Scott: It’s what pumps round your body and what comes out of your body when you get hurt – the red stuff.

Helen: What are we blogging…

Scott: Blood.

Helen: Really?

Scott: Yeah, really.

Why’s it important?

Scott: Because if you didn’t have blood you’d, like, die because it’s what powers your system.

Helen: We’d be like toys, just stuffing…

Scott: We’d decay – we’d look like zombies.

Why do people have different blood types?

Scott: I have no idea about anything about that – I don’t even know my own.

What about vampires?

Scott: What do you mean? What about them?

They drink blood.

Scott: One – it’s fiction; and two –  I don’t know… It must taste quite good, but I don’t know someone who likes the taste of metal though…

You couldn’t be a vampire.

Scott: You have to have really big teeth.

And like the taste of blood.

Scott: Well, you don’t have to like it – you just have to be able to bear it.

And hate light and garlic.

Scott: Garlic’s quite nice.

You’re not a vampire, then?

Scott: Yeah… Who knows?