8-6-2014 seaWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: Hmm…

Swimming in the sea or clearing out the loft?

Scott: I haven’t seen the loft yet, can I go up and see it?

Let’s blog first…

Scott: Okay, let’s blog about the loft.

Even though you haven’t seen it?

Scott: If you just give me five seconds to see it…

Not just now. Swimming?

Helen: Good – really cold.

It was Scott’s idea.

Scott: Don’t blame me – it’s the sun’s fault for not staying out long enough. As soon as we got to the sea, it got cold and as soon as we were drying up, it gets warm again.

I was surprised how deep you went.

Scott: Hmm…

How was it?

Scott: I didn’t even have to swim – yet.

Helen: You weren’t deep enough – you still weren’t deep enough to actually swim.

It seemed very cold.

Scott: Yeah, didn’t feel it at all though.

How cold was it?

Helen: Really cold, right Scott? It was freezing.

Scott: Nah, it was fine once you got used to it.

Helen: I didn’t actually feel it cold – not exactly cold, but… I don’t know.

Were there any fish?

Scott: No.

Any creatures?

Scott: Helen.

Helen: I don’t know – not really.

Scott: No, Helen’s the creature.

Helen: Am I? I suppose everyone’s a creature.

Scott: You’re an escaped monkey.

Helen: I didn’t come from a zoo…