30-6-2014 black ops 2Call Of Duty Black Ops 2?

Scott: I haven’t played it that much, but okay…

How is it so far?

Scott: Em… I haven’t figure out how to do half the stuff. It’s pretty good, yeah. I understand how Ross plays it loads, so it’s like… You can interact with the stages in a better way. So there’s a pineapple on a shelf and if you hit it with a knife, it’ll fall off the shelf.

Are the controls the same?

Scott: Yeah.

And what’s the point of it?

Scott: Point of every video game – to have fun.

But are you fighting terrorists or…

Scott: I haven’t played the computer yet, so I don’t know. Maybe when I get the hang of it, I can do another blog that’s understanding it.

You can do multi-player?

Scott: Yep.

Has it got as many options as Call Of Duty Ghosts?

Scott: There’s one thing they added – it’s the first time you can ever play as a female.

Just men before?

Scott: Yeah.

Are the weapons good?

Scott: Yep. It was really funny, there’s this kitchen and then there’s just… A baguette in the kitchen and Ross was guarding it. I was going to go through the door, but I saw his hand.

Has it got a zombie mode?

Scott: Yes.

Have you played it yet?

Scott: Eh? Nope, I’ve just started. I really need the toilet… (runs off)
