6-7-2014 transformersYou had a sleepover at Luke’s last night.

Scott: Yes, I did.

Did you get any sleep?

Scott: Maybe… A minute.

Did you have fun?

Scott: I can see a reason why it’s called a sleepover – because sleep is over.

And you went to see the Transformers movie as well.

Scott: Yeah – that was good.

What happened in it?

Scott: Some people might still want to see it, you know. Like I’m guessing all the other films are like – boom boom, smash smash and guy falling out of a building…

Robots beating each other up?

Scott: Hm…


Scott: It was just like – talk talk talk with a car and floating robot.

Are they always robots?

Scott: Mainly.

Are they also cars and other things?

Scott: Yeah – that’s what Transformers are about. How stupid are you…

Well, I’ve only ever seen them as robots – never vehicles…

Scott: Yeah, yeah – look who’s talking.

What do you mean?

Scott: Eh? Hm…

Why did you say that?

Scott: What was the question?

Why did you say: “Look who’s talking”?

Scott: That’s what you do to me sometimes.

I don’t understand…

Scott: Doesn’t matter…

Marks out of 1o?

Scott: (pause) Seven probably.

So high, but not great.

Scott: Wait… Eight.

So good, but not amazing?

Scott: Yeah..

Good special effects?

Scott: Best special effect was the slow motion and the guy with Transformium turning it into a gun and a guitar.

Should I go and see it?

Scott: Do you want to?


Scott: That’s what I came in with the expectation of, so you should see it.