21-9-2014 loft

So we haven’t blogged for a while…

Scott: Not in ages…

Because we’ve been so busy.

Scott: Yeah.

Why have we been busy?

Scott: Because the loft’s been being converted.

It’s almost done now.

Scott: Yeah.

How is it?

Scott: It’s… Amazing.

Better than you hoped?

Scott: Probably three times the size of what I hoped.

So the big news is that you and Helen no longer share a room.

Scott: Yeah.

Separate rooms.

Scott: Yeah.

How’s that so far?

Scott: Great.

What’s the best thing about having your own room?

Scott: I don’t need to sleep in the same room as her, and I can do anything I want to the room. I don’t think Helen would have accepted it being painted… More than one quarter green.

And you wouldn’t have accepted it being one quarter pink.

Scott: Nope.

It feels different having a lot of new room in the house.

Scott: Yeah – you got a room, too..

So did Mum.

Scott: Not upstairs.

And we’ve got a bedroom we share as well.

Scott: Yeah – I noticed.

And I think Gran and Grandpa liked it when they saw it for  the first time yesterday.

Scott: Maybe.

They seemed very excited…

Scott: They seemed…

Marks for your new room?

Scott: 10!

Out of 10?

Scott: 10!