23-9-2014 pay day 2

Anything you want to blog about?

Scott: Um… (pause) It’s been ages since we blogged, I can’t think.

Does that not mean you’ll have more to blog about, then?

Scott: No.

Nothing exciting has happened?

Scott: Well, I got the Pay Day 2 demo recently.

You’ve been playing it a lot…

Scott: Yeah.

Your favourite game of the moment.

Scott: Yeah – Ross said you can get the full game for a fiver pre-owned, so I might do that.

Is it quite old?

Scott: It says 2013, so slightly…

Not that old…

Scott: Nope.

Why’s it so cheap, then?

Scott: I don’t know. He just said. I don’t know if it’s true or anything, I might have a look at the weekend.

What’s the point of the game?

Scott: Em… You rob banks and you get money and you spend money and you get guns. And you get even more money and get even better guns, and all that…

And you kill people.

Scott: Not the civilians – you only kill the police.

So you’re a baddie?

Scott: Yeah.

But a baddie who doesn’t kill ordinary people?

Scott: Yeah. Because if you kill the civilians… Why would you kill the civilians? That’s just like killing someone who walks past you in the street.

But why’s it okay to kill police?

Scott: Because they are actually trying to kill you.

Because you’ve done something wrong.

Scott: Yeah.

So do you not deserve it?

Scott: Well… (pause) In a game. You just try and rob the banks. Why do you try and apply real physic-y things to a game?