Tag Archive: Boxing Day

Boxing Day

27-12-2013 boxing day

Some of the gifts Scott received on Boxing Day…

What will we talk about?

Scott: Okay – how about Boxing Day?

Okay – what did we do?

Scott: Good question… And so… We went over to Gran and Grandpa’s and got presents from them… And lots of other people came as well, and vice versa.

What presents did you get?

Scott: Well, I got some X Box games. I got a Lego set and got… I got other things. Some clothes.

You got Lego Lord Of The Rings.

Scott: Yeah.


Scott: For the X Box.

How is it?

Scott: It’s quite good. Not as much as I like Minecraft.

It’s great with two players, though.

Scott: Everything’s good with… Not everything’s good with two players, but lots of things are.

We haven’t played the racing game yet.

Scott: Sonic All Stars Racing.

We can try that tomorrow.

Scott: Maybe…

If you’re not playing Minecraft…

Scott: If the HDMI cable arrives tomorrow, you can do Minecraft with me.

What games did we play yesterday?

Scott: Yesterday… We did like… What do you mean “games”?

Like Christmas family games.

Scott: You mean that game of charades we did?

Yeah – how was that?

Scott: It was okay.

Who won?

Scott: I’m not sure – no-one actually kept track.

How did Grandpa do?

Scott: No Thong Song.

But he was still funny.

Scott: Sometimes, I guess…

363 days until Christmas…

Scott: Wah!

Boxing Day

boxing day

The brilliant Lego Exo Force set Scott got today.

Boxing Day?

Scott: There’s not really much to talk about – all there is… Is… That Boxing Day is when slaves and other people that didn’t get paid used to get all their presents in a big box. It’s the day after Christmas – so there’s nothing else to say.

What did we do today?

Scott: We went to see Gran and Grandpa.

Who else was there?

Scott: Well… Hard to remember…

Did you get any good presents?

Scott: Yes.


Scott: Hmm… Hmm… Well, I got the Lego Exo Force Skeleton Crawler and the Lego City fire boat and… Well, quite a lot of things actually. So many that it’s hard to say.

Good day?

Scott: Yeah!