You really have no idea how elusive wi-fi is to find in Cumbria and Dumfries and Galloway! But Cream O Galloway, already our favourite place ever with its combination of glorious organic ice cream and loads of kiddie fun, came up trumps. So we can finally update the blog…

Day 5 – 26-7-2011

day 5

Scott and Helen at the Puzzling Place in Keswick. Daddy felt queasy.

We went to the Puzzling Place in Keswick, had lunch, then went swimming and then went to a family fun night at Talkin Tarn – what was your highlight?

Scott: Puzzling place.

Helen: I liked… Where did we go, Daddy? Yeah, I know – the flumes. That’s what was the highlight of my day.

Tell me about the Puzzle Place.

Scott: It was the world of illusions. Let’s say… The non-gravity room, unique in the UK. There’s a ball at the bottom of the soccer table, which goes downhill and the ball goes up.

Helen: Anti-gravity – I liked when the seat floated up.

I felt really sick in the room.

Helen: I didn’t.

Scott: I felt a bit strange – as thought I was the only real person in the world of gravity strange.

Helen: Me too – the only person in the universe.

You liked the dripping water that floated up.

Scott: Yeah.

Helen: Yeah, me too.

And there was the room that made us look different sizes.

Scott: Yeah.

Helen: Yeah. What?

Scott: Can I do a drawing for this blog?

Of course…

day 5 drawing

Scott's drawing of the Puzzling Place. Makes more sense than the real thing...

Day 6 – 27-7-2011

day 6

Chucking big rocks into the river at Lanercost - we then dipped our feet into the water to cool down.

Helen: It was too sunny!

But we had a fun day. Morning in Brampton for the market and some shopping, home for lunch, afternoon at Lanercost Priory for the craft fair and then a wander down to the river to chuck in some big rocks and paddle. Did you have fun?

Scott: Yeah.

What was the best thing about today?

Scott: I won the tombola.

Helen: Goodest is… I don’t know what.

What did you win at the tombola?

Scott: I won an old bag – an old stinky poo bag.

Helen: And I won some soap.

You didn’t win anything, Helen.

Helen: Yes I did. Yes I did, Daddy. I did win…

Scott: A few bottle-tops…

Helen: And I won this (holds up shampoo bottle).

Did Helen win anything, Scott?

Scott: No.

Helen: Yes.

So, what was the best thing about today?

Scott: I told you: winning the tombola.

Helen: Yes, me too – I won.

Scott (exasperated): No, you didn’t.

Day 7 – 28-7-2011

day 7

Eden Ostrich Farm water walking. Not random words, but what we did today.

Today we went to Eden Ostrich Farm. I thought it was fantastic – what did you think?

Helen: Too good.

Scott: I loved it.

Helen: It was too good, wasn’t it?

What was the best bit?

Helen: Feeding the goats.

Scott: My favourite bit was when the mouse pooed on Helen’s hand.

Helen: My favourite bit was when the bunnies were getting stroked.

So, out of all the fantastic things we saw and did today, your favourite bit was a mouse pooing on Helen?

Scott: Yeah.


Scott: Well… Well… I just couldn’t decide, so I took something I liked. Water walking…

What about water walking?

Scott: I just said it was.

So that was the best part of the day?

Scott: Hmm… Well… Anyone want to know what my favourite enemy thing was?

What’s an enemy thing?

Scott: My least favourite thing was when I fell and cut my knee.

Helen: Fell and cut your knee?

Something funny happened right after that.

Scott: Yes, the goat ate my whole bag of food, even the bag – I will call it Baddest!

I know it was bad, but it was quite funny.

Scott: (long pause)

Come on, it was funny.

Scott: (long pause) I’m thinking…

Oh, forget it.

Scott: (long pause) I’m still thinking… (long pause) What was the question?

Wasn’t the goat eating all the food funny?

Scott: Sort of. I’d have been in hysterics if it had eaten your ear.

Helen: So would I.

Scott: Who would have been laughing then?

Helen: I would.

Day 8 – 29-7-2011


Dinner outside with chickens pecking around. Not as idyllic as it sounds - the chicken did a big poo.

We’ve now left Brampton and are in Castle Douglas.

Scott: You should take a picture of this place it’s so good – it’s like a posh hotel.

Are you glad to be here?

Scott: Maximum the horse.

Helen: Max the horse. What’s the highlight of today?

Scott: Max the horse.

Helen: Mine is Archie.

What did we do today after we left Brampton?

Scott: The highlight of my day was actually going to the toy shop.

What was so good about it?

Scott: It had Lego Cad Bane.

And we went to the cinema, to see Cars 2.

Scott: We watched Cars 300.

Helen: We watched Cars Infinity.

How was the film?

Helen: Max the horse.

Scott: GR8.

Helen: Max the horse, Daddy.

Don’t you think Cars 2 was a bit rubbish?

Scott: I’ll never think that!

What are you looking forward to doing in Castle Douglas?

Scott: (singing) We’re off to Cream O Galloway for the best ice cream in the world tra la la la la. You’re quite a sundae driver, aren’t you?

Day 9 – 30-7-2011

day 9

Scott was quite excited to see the Batmobile at the Douglas Day Parade (please don't tell him that it may not have been the real Batmobile).

Okay, okay – tell me a joke each. Who’s first?

Helen: Knock knock. You say: “Who’s there?” Daddy, you say: “Who’s there?” silly.

Who’s there?

Helen: Eh… Soap.

Soap who?

Helen: Bottle. Let me in, it’s time for tea I’ve got a headache.

Scott: Knock knock?

Who’s there?

Scott: (to himself) I’ve forgotten. Eh… Eh… It’s not a knock knock joke… Oh… Which of Fury’s sides is the furriest?

I don’t know.

Scott: The outside.

So, we went to Castle Douglas for some shopping, home for lunch, then back into Castle Douglas for the Douglas Day parade and fair and then off to Cream O Galloway. What was the best bit?

Helen: Having ice cream.

What about you, Scott?

Scott: (singing) We’re off to Cream O Galloway for the best ice cream in the world tra la la la la la.

What did we see at the parade?

Helen: Nothing.

Scott: We saw a lot of things like some old cranky cars and the smallest van in the world.

And we saw the Batmobile.

Scott: Yeah, the Batmobile. (Singing) Robin laid an egg. The Batmobile lost a wheel and the Joker got away, Hey!

What else did we do at Cream O Galloway apart from eat ice cream?

Scott: We played outside on their play things.