
A map of our solar system.

What is infinity?

Scott: Infinity is the number that no-one in the world can count to. No-one can even get to the 10 numbers before it.

How big is infinity?

Scott: So big that I can’t even say. I don’t even know how many numbers make infinity. The biggest number still isn’t big enough. Infinity is the biggest number in the world, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

Well, it’s not really a number – it’s really a concept.

Scott: What’s a concept?

Well, something that you try to understand rather than something you can touch.

Scott: So it’s a number no-one can count to, mostly?

Sort of. Space is infinite, because it’s got no beginning and no end.

Scott: How does space never begin? People have been to the moon and that’s the beginning of space.

Well, that’s part of space – not the beginning. The moon is in space, but it’s not the start of space.

Scott: The end of space?

No, it’s not the end of space either.

Scott: Somewhere in the middle? A quarter of the way through?

It’s got no beginning and no end.

Scott: How does it have no beginning? If it has no beginning, how can people go to the moon?

The moon’s in space, but it’s not the beginning – we’re in space already.

Scott: How? Yes, it is… Of course… because we can see the moon and the moon’s actually the sun, isn’t it?

The moon’s the moon and the sun’s the sun. The moon’s a planet, the sun’s sort of a planet and the Earth is a planet.

Scott: But Daddy, why don’t we float into space?


Scott: Yes, but there’s no gravity in space.

We’ve got gravity here and it helps us stick to the ground.

Scott: But not too sticky, because I can still jump in the air. I wish there was a little less gravity so I could jump higher.

And there is the atmosphere, which protects us and means we can breathe.

Scott: Yes, but the sun has made a hole in this atmosphere so it sometimes gets a teeny bit hotter.

But we’re still in space, does that make sense?

Scott: A teeny bit. Earth is like the second or third smallest planet. Pluto is definitely the smallest, isn’t it?

The smallest near us I think.

Scott: Are any planets smaller than Pluto? I don’t think we’d fit on any smaller than Pluto.

There are billions and billions and billions of planets in space, some of them will be smaller than Pluto.

Scott: One’s so tiny I don’t think an alien would even fit on kit. If aliens lived on Pluto, they’d be the size of tiny ones.