
Which of these well-known Super Mario cartoon guys can you recognise?

Scott: Any suggestions?

What do you want to talk about?

Helen: Whales – that would be so easy.

Scott: Cartooning.

Helen: Whales.

Scott: Cartooning.

Helen: Daddy, can we talk about…

Scott: Cartooning…

Helen: Whales, please.

Scott: No.

What is cartooning, Scott?

Scott: Cartooning is when you drawn things in a sort of not how they are sort of way… Either really scratchy or really big nose or… You know what I mean. Not how it really looks.

What’s your favourite cartoon?

Scott: I like the cartooning in the Mario Kart 7 15th anniversary.

That’s not really a cartoon.

Scott: It was cartooning – exactly what we’re blogging about.

Helen: We’ve blogged about cartooning recently.

Scott: We’ve never blogged about it before.

Helen: We have.

Scott: We haven’t – I’m always right.

Helen: No, I’m always right.

Scott: What’s one plus one?

Helen: Scott.

Scott: She’s utterly, butterly, cutterly mad.

Helen: Can we talk about whales please?

Okay, what is a whale?

Helen: It’s a blue humped black whale.

And what’s special about whales?

Helen: They have water coming out of their backs.

Would you like to meet one?

Helen: Yes.


Helen: Because I could jump on its back.