28-12-2013 robots of deathWe had a big walk this morning…

Scott: Yeah.

We walked to Portobello and back.

Scott: Yeah.

How was that?

Scott: Okay.

And you got a bag of crisps halfway through.

Scott: That was halfway through?

Yes, because that was in Portobello before we walked home.

Scott: I wish I had chosen the nachos…

I made you nachos for lunch when we got home.

Scott: Yeah, but…

How were they?

Scott: Good.

Then we had a lazy afternoon after our big walk.

Scott: Yeah.

Minecraft, then we watched the old Doctor Who episode Robots Of Death before watching the Simpsons.

Scott: Yeah.

How was the Doctor Who? You used to watch that one all the time.

Scott: Well… It was quite good, if the effects were a bit better. It was a good film, but the special effects could have been better. It wasn’t really a film, but…

Do you remember watching that episode all the time when you were little?

Scott: I think…

Did you still like it?

Scott: Yeah – but I remember it being all robots and no humans.

Was it scary?

Scott: Nah – not scary at all. Wouldn’t scare a toddler.

How was the fourth Doctor?

Scott: You know.

Did you recognise him when he appeared at the end of Day Of The Doctor?

Scott: I didn’t really at first, but I was sure it was a Doctor.  Day Of The Doctor, I kind of recognised that. If I had to say which Doctor it was, I wasn’t sure – but it was a Doctor.