24-11-2013 day of doctorSo we went to the cinema last night…

Scott: Yah.

Helen: Yeah.

To see Day Of The Doctor.

Scott: Dave the Doctor?

Helen: Doctor Nick…

How was it?

Scott: You said Dave the Doctor…

No, I said Day Of The Doctor – how was it?

Scott: Great.

Helen: Medium.

Scott: No wonder there was a gap between the eight and ninth Doctor…

Helen: Were you the eleventh Doctor?

Scott: That’s who I was dressed up as.

Helen: I saw someone with his sonic screwdriver.

Scott: That was my evil alter ego…

What happened in Day Of The Doctor?

Scott: I don’t want to spoil it for people!

Helen: Yeah – they can see it on their own. You guys, if you see Dave the Doctor…

Scott: Day Of The Doctor…

Helen: If you have seen Dave the Doctor, we can tell you. If not, you’ll have to go and see it at the cinema.

Scott: But it’s only shown once in the whole world.

Helen: I’ll tell you what it is… Well, well, well, well, well… It’s Day Of The Doctor.

Who were the baddies in it?

Scott: It’s the evil suckery things

Helen: It’s a Dalek who was a baddie.

Scott: Technically, you can’t say the ninth Doctor because they think they know who it is – but it’s not really who they think it is…

Helen: Doctor. Doctor Who?

Scott: Let’s just call him the eight and a half-th Doctor…

Did you like it, Helen?

Helen: Eh… Yes, I did.

Was it not too scary?

Helen: No, not too scary.

And you kind of dressed up as Rose.

Helen: Yeah.

And at the Christmas special, we’ll get to see the twelfth Doctor.

Scott: Yeah, yeah…

Or thirteenth…

Scott: Yeah. Technically, he’s actually the thirteenth…

Helen: I know who the twelfth is – Peter.