Tag Archive: Doctor Who

A wall

7-7-2014 wallWhat will we blog about?

Scott: Eh… (pause)

Any ideas?

Scott: No.

Anything interesting happen today?

Scott: (pause) Eh… I got a money box that steals all your money.

It stole 5p from me.

Scott: Yeah…

Anything else?

Scott: Nope.


Scott: Nope.


Scott: Huh.

Watching the Doctor Who episode when Davros came back.

Scott: That’s not that interesting to blog about.

What would be?

Scott: I don’t know.

Me tickling you.

Scott: That was death.

Having lunch in my canteen at work.

Scott: Yeah – that was good.

What was the best thing?

Scott: (pause) What do you mean?

What was the best part of that?

Scott: Lunch was interesting.

Interesting nice or interesting weird?

Scott: Nice.

What did you have?

Scott: Em… A salad and a bag of crisps.

And I gave you a quick tour of the building.

Scott: Yeah.

What was the most interesting bit of that?

Scott: A wall.

Sounds a bit dull…

Scott: Of a dungeon.

That’s more interesting.

Scott: They’re both the same thing.

True, true…

Scott: Good game, good game…

Doctor Who

16-6-2014 adiposeWell?

Scott: Wait, what are we blogging about? It was funny when you were doing Call Of Duty together with Ross.

I didn’t do very well, though…

Scott: Nah – you didn’t, but it was quite funny – you were it twice in a row.

Doctor Who?

Scott: Alright.

We started watching series four tonight.

Scott: Yeah.

And started with the Adipose episode.

Scott: Yeah, we did.

How was it?

Scott: Em, it was okay, like…

Helen: Dad, what are you blogging about?

Scott: Doctor Who.

Helen: Bogtor Boo.


Helen: Badipose.

Were they scary or cute?

Scott: I think they were quite cute, I’m surprised people were so scared in it.

Even if their bodies were exploding? Would that not be scary?

Scott: An Adipose body exploding?

No, a human.

Scott: Nah, it only happened once.

Have you seen series four before?

Scott: Might have seen the Adipose episode.

Did you like Donna as an assistant?

Scott: Mm…

Is that yes or no?

Scott: It was interesting, that’s probably… I don’t think I’ve seen this series before.

We can maybe watch some more tomorrow.

Scott: Probably…

Doctor Who

12-5-2014 scarecrowAnything you want to talk about?

Scott: Eh… Feeling like I was going to puke there.

Well, Helen blogged about that last week.

Scott: Yeah.

So we can’t blog about that again tonight.

Scott: No, okay… Em… Em…

Doctor Who?

Scott: Yeah.

We watched the Family Of Blood tonight.

Scott: Yeah.

Helen was a bit scared.

Scott: Imagine when we watch Blink how scared she’ll be.


Scott: I don’t think we could describe. If she was very scared of me just going (moves head back and forward), then I bet she’ll be insanely scared of what’s going to happen.

The Doctor disguised himself as a human.

Scott: Yeah.

How did that make him feel?

Scott: He didn’t know.

Why not?

Scott: Because he didn’t know how the Doctor felt when he became a human – think about it.

How did John Smith feel, then?

Scott: He didn’t know he was a Timelord but he was going crazy at the thought of opening the watch.

Because he knew he would die.

Scott: But he didn’t – so how could he know he would die?

John Smith died.

Scott: Well, in a way – yes.

Would you have opened the watch?

Scott: Maybe.


Scott: I didn’t think of it in that way.

So you’d be someone else with no memories.

Scott: But he didn’t have any memories, did he?

But he didn’t know who he really was.

Scott: (pause) Okay.

So would you do that?

Scott: Maybe. If it was to save the world, I’d do it…


30-4-2014 dalekI’ve been away for a couple of days.

Scott: True.

Did I miss anything?

Scott: Probably not.

How was school?

Scott: (pause) Normal.

Good or bad?

Scott: In a normal way – same as every other school day, roughly.

We watched some more Doctor Who tonight.

Scott: True.

A couple of Dalek episodes.

Scott: What?

A couple of Dalek episodes.

Scott: Yeah.

Have we blogged about the Daleks before?

Scott: Probably.

How would you describe them?

Scott: Eh… Half a cucumber except made of metal, and with a gun and studs and a sucker thing on.

Bit evil.

Scott: Yeah, probably evil.

Evil cucumbers.

Scott: Nyah hah hah. True.

Why do Daleks behave the way they do?

Scott: That is a question I don’t know.

Why do they hate the Doctor?

Scott: I have honestly no idea, but something to do with the Time Wars or something.

Are they the best Doctor Who baddie?

Scott: Maybe.

Are they his worst enemy?

Scott: Em… Well, he doesn’t really have a worst enemy, just many enemies. It’s one of the enemies that appears in a lot of the series. Imagine the Editor appeared in a lot of series – that would be creepy.

You love the Editor.

Scott: No I don’t.

You were obsessed by him when you were little.

Scott: When I was little.

Do you still like him?

Scott: No, probably not. As much as I like Cybermen – which is not really, I just happen to have watched a couple of episodes.

Minecraft figures

26-4-2014 minecraftHelen did a Minecraft drawing.

Scott: She did? Okay.

Why did she do that, do you think?

Scott: Because we got some Minecraft figures today. I’ll put them together for a photo.

Helen: No, I’ve done a drawing.

Scott: But sometimes photos are good, too.

What did you get?

Scott: Em… We got a Steve and some survival kit, but then we used some of the older figures to make it a proper survival SMP – survival multi-player.

And you’re going to share the set with Helen?

Scott: Yeah – we did.

You still need to get a zombie.

Scott: Yeah – really want that zombie.

Helen: For the iron sword.

Scott: Yes, I’m saving for that.

Are you happy with the set, Helen?

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: We both are.

And you’re really going to share?

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: We’re sharing it out kind of equally, right? And we did some trading.

Will you fall out over it?

Scott: I just kind of get a bit annoyed when Helen doesn’t trade, that’s all.

Helen: Yeah, mostly.

Are you still going to play with the Doctor Who figures we got down from the loft?

Helen: Yeah, sort of.

Scott: Less, though…

Is Minecraft better?

Scott: Eh, obviously.

What do you think, Helen?

Helen: Eh?

Is Minecraft better than Doctor Who?

Helen: Yeah, probably.

Doctor Who

23-4-2014 doctor whoWhat will we talk about?

Scott: Good question, good question…

Anything exciting happen today?

Scott: No.

We watched some Doctor Who.

Scott: Yes, that’s true.

Could talk about that.

Scott: Yeah. Maybe we could, maybe we could…

We’re watching an episode a night.

Scott: Kinda.

What one did we watch tonight?

Scott: The Sound Of The Drums.

With the Master.

Scott: Master of the poopy-verse.

Goody or baddie?

Scott: Potato.

Timelord potato.

Scott: Eh…

What happens in it?

Scott: It would kind of be a bit of a spoiler, wouldn’t it?

It’s about five years old, so…

Scott: Good point, good point… Stuff – the Master does stuff and… Be-s evil.

Can you remember what happens at the end?

Scott: What happens at the end of what?

This episode.

Scott: Em… Alien ball things arrive.

Hopefully we’ll find out tomorrow.

Scott: Yes.

Will the Doctor win?

Scott: Yes.


Scott: Just because they always do and he’s able to make the – whoever many series there are.

Robots Of Death

28-12-2013 robots of deathWe had a big walk this morning…

Scott: Yeah.

We walked to Portobello and back.

Scott: Yeah.

How was that?

Scott: Okay.

And you got a bag of crisps halfway through.

Scott: That was halfway through?

Yes, because that was in Portobello before we walked home.

Scott: I wish I had chosen the nachos…

I made you nachos for lunch when we got home.

Scott: Yeah, but…

How were they?

Scott: Good.

Then we had a lazy afternoon after our big walk.

Scott: Yeah.

Minecraft, then we watched the old Doctor Who episode Robots Of Death before watching the Simpsons.

Scott: Yeah.

How was the Doctor Who? You used to watch that one all the time.

Scott: Well… It was quite good, if the effects were a bit better. It was a good film, but the special effects could have been better. It wasn’t really a film, but…

Do you remember watching that episode all the time when you were little?

Scott: I think…

Did you still like it?

Scott: Yeah – but I remember it being all robots and no humans.

Was it scary?

Scott: Nah – not scary at all. Wouldn’t scare a toddler.

How was the fourth Doctor?

Scott: You know.

Did you recognise him when he appeared at the end of Day Of The Doctor?

Scott: I didn’t really at first, but I was sure it was a Doctor.  Day Of The Doctor, I kind of recognised that. If I had to say which Doctor it was, I wasn’t sure – but it was a Doctor.

Day Of The Doctor

24-11-2013 day of doctorSo we went to the cinema last night…

Scott: Yah.

Helen: Yeah.

To see Day Of The Doctor.

Scott: Dave the Doctor?

Helen: Doctor Nick…

How was it?

Scott: You said Dave the Doctor…

No, I said Day Of The Doctor – how was it?

Scott: Great.

Helen: Medium.

Scott: No wonder there was a gap between the eight and ninth Doctor…

Helen: Were you the eleventh Doctor?

Scott: That’s who I was dressed up as.

Helen: I saw someone with his sonic screwdriver.

Scott: That was my evil alter ego…

What happened in Day Of The Doctor?

Scott: I don’t want to spoil it for people!

Helen: Yeah – they can see it on their own. You guys, if you see Dave the Doctor…

Scott: Day Of The Doctor…

Helen: If you have seen Dave the Doctor, we can tell you. If not, you’ll have to go and see it at the cinema.

Scott: But it’s only shown once in the whole world.

Helen: I’ll tell you what it is… Well, well, well, well, well… It’s Day Of The Doctor.

Who were the baddies in it?

Scott: It’s the evil suckery things

Helen: It’s a Dalek who was a baddie.

Scott: Technically, you can’t say the ninth Doctor because they think they know who it is – but it’s not really who they think it is…

Helen: Doctor. Doctor Who?

Scott: Let’s just call him the eight and a half-th Doctor…

Did you like it, Helen?

Helen: Eh… Yes, I did.

Was it not too scary?

Helen: No, not too scary.

And you kind of dressed up as Rose.

Helen: Yeah.

And at the Christmas special, we’ll get to see the twelfth Doctor.

Scott: Yeah, yeah…

Or thirteenth…

Scott: Yeah. Technically, he’s actually the thirteenth…

Helen: I know who the twelfth is – Peter.

The 12th Doctor

4-8-2013 Doctor

Scott’s drawing of the Doctor receiving the Tardis as birthday present when he was two.

What would you like to talk about?

Scott: Em…

The new Doctor?

Scott: Okay.

What number is it?

Scott: 12th.

And the actor playing him was revealed live on TV.

Scott: Yes.

What did you think of him?

Scott: Eh… For… The Doctor has been getting younger, but that one’s older than Matt Smith. Great to have a new Doctor, though. When’s the regeneration thing happening?

Christmas, I think.

Scott: Oh… We’ve got so long to wait.

They’ve got to film it all first.

Scott: You mean… Matt Smith’s going to be not, like, in it for… Nearly half a year. There’s going to be no Doctor Who for exactly half a year? It takes them half a year to make that new one?

I think it’s only really on twice a year.

Scott: What is?

Doctor Who.

Scott: Only two episodes every year? What?!

No, it’s only on two times a year I think – the series and the Christmas special.

Scott: Yeah… I’m not sure I know what you mean. I thought you meant one episode every six months.

The next episode is the Christmas special, and I think that’s when he regenerates.

Scott: That’s ages…

Who do you think’s the best Doctor?

Scott: Em… I don’t know. We don’t really know what the new one’s personality is like – so I can’t judge until he’s out.

Who’s the best so far, then?

Scott: Matt Smith – great comedy.

I thought you’d say David Tennant.

Scott: I don’t know. Why did you think I’d like him?

Because he was the first Doctor you were really into.

Scott: But the first Doctor I was alive on was the ninth.

Doctor Who stamps

doctor who stamps

So you got your first Doctor Who stamps today.

Scott: Yeah – quite a lot actually.

With three first day covers still to come.

Scott: Really, three? What are you talking about? Three? There should only really be two.

There’s one with some of the Doctors, one with the others, and a special one.

Scott: What’s the special one, baddies?

I can’t remember – a special one.

Scott: Just generally special?

Yeah. They’re great, aren’t they?

Scott: Yeah. I got one pack with the actual stamps – Doctors one to 12, Daleks, Ood, Weeping Angles, Cyberman and the Tardis.

I think they’ll be very collectable.

Scott: Probably, and it’ll be the newest first day cover. Ask me a question.

What else will I say?

Scott: I don’t know.

You don’t want to use them as stamps.

Scott: No.

And keep them in their folders.

Scott: Yeah.

They’re for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.

Scott: I don’t remember there being any big special anniversary last year or the year before.

That’s because they were years 48 and 49.

Scott: Ah… Okay.

There’s a 50th anniversary special planned for later this year.

Scott: Was there special stuff for the 10, 20, 30 and 40? You might have been there for the 40 and the 30 – maybe even more.

The five Doctors episode was for the 25th anniversary – the one we’ve watched on DVD a few times.

Scott: Why don’t we watch it?

We can tomorrow.

Scott: Ah – okay.